We have tried to make the SBR App as easy to use as possible.
The SBR App is compatible with the Apple iPhone™ and iTouch™ running iOS™ 3.1 or higher.
You will need an active Internet connection to start and use the App. The first time you run the App after installation it will let you set the default language. This is the only information the App ever collects from you and you can change it at any time.
The App has been designed for people who are "on-the-go". Once the audio has started playing, the App assumes that you want it to keep playing until you tell it to stop. If a connection is lost as you travel from Wi-Fi to 3G, or 3G to Edge, etc., the App will keep trying until it can reconnect and keep playing. It is very persistent in that way. So if you are running the App in foreground and it stops then just wait. It will start playing again as soon as it is possible to do so.
If the audio is playing and you exit the App with the iPhone™ button (not the App Done button!) the audio will keep playing in the background. But if the connection is lost while playing in background the App will not try to reconnect. This is so that the App does not drain your battery while it is running in background trying to reconnect and you do not know about it.
SBR App has only 3 screens.
HOME SCREEN looks like this:
DONE button exits the App without allowing the audio to play in the background.
PLAY button starts and stops the audio sound for the selected language.
SELECT LANGUAGE button changes to the Language screen.
The Volume slide bar controls the audio loudness.
LANGUAGE SCREEN looks like this:
BACK button returns to the HOME screen.
INFO button changes to the INFO screen.
Each line in the Language table selects an audio stream in the indicated language.
The new "Visit Us" section is a bottom of the Language Screen:
INFO SCREEN looks like this:
BACK button returns to the LANGUAGE screen.
Greg@Strea... will open the iPhone Mail App and let you send us email.
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